Sunday, September 16, 2007

Tales from the OC

I was wondering when it would hit. When the wave of homesickness would wash over me. I have an amazing life in California with so many people to love that I knew one day the newness of the adventure here would wear off and I would be in tears. Ironically, the same day we received over-anxious warnings from the embassy about a possible tsunami, a figurative wave began to roll in. Luckily my "life preserver" is pretty darn reliable. (reference to Jesus if you didn't catch that) I walk the streets of Maputo and it feels so natural to be living here. Most days the streets of Brea seem like a distant reality from my dreams. Whenever I travel, I have a hard time grappling with the idea that both worlds exist at the same time because they seem like different planets and different realities. I guess I was hoping that during my year here, life in the States would be put on pause and it just hit last week that life is continuing without me there. How absurd? Didn't you guys know you weren't supposed to be going on with your lives without me? Well in light of the new developments happening in my family, I will take a break from the tales from Mozambique to fill you in on the wonderful things happening without me back home.

First, the big news: Travis and Emma are engaged! He proposed in St. Louis, Missouri where Emma's sister lives with her family. You'll have to ask the happy couple for more details about the surprise proposal but we are all extremely thrilled.

I think I knew I would love Emma the first time I heard her belch. She is quite gifted in this area, and I was very impressed. Usually girls as beautiful as she, don't possess the talent to make such nasty sounds. When Trav first told me about some girl named Emma he was dating, one of the first things he said was, "Katie, she can burp like you." Of course I didn't believe it (I hate to brag but my burps are held in high regard) and thought Trav was exaggerating, but he wasn't! Emma confessed that she recently accidentally let a burp out during class and the whole class, including the professor, stopped to look at her. Ah yes, she will make us Hardemans proud carrying on the family name:) I think I knew Emma and Trav were perfect for each other when Travis spit a booger at her and she screamed but then spit one right back! (My family has a somewhat sick sense of humor. I actually don't participate in this game because it grosses even me out.) I think I knew Emma would fit in perfectly with the Hardeman clan when she would make amazing "ugly faces" for me. I know it's somewhat intolerant of me, but if you can't make yourself look hideous, I may think less of you. I didn't ask if I could post that one- sorry Em. Welcome to the fam! Kinda crazy that little Trav (I know that is an oxymoron- love that word and any chance to use it and impress people) is getting married! They'll officially tie the knot July 20, 2008 and I'm already looking forward to the wedding. (And no, not just because I can't wait to observe and experience all the awkward moments that come with being single at a wedding) I confess that I was pretty sad that I couldn't be there in person to congratulate Trav and Emma and shed some tears reading about the proposal. The price I have to pay, I suppose.

Ok, second reason I was punched in the face by homesickness: (I don't know what's come over me with the metaphores and personification- perhaps I'm teaching too many English classes) Vander isn't a baby any more! He has developed so much in these 2 months, it is shocking. Sure, I took health class and knew that babies grow quickly but somehow I didn't anticipate so much change so fast. The other day I was talking to Heidi over skype so we could see each other and she put the computer on one end of the room and Vander scooted across the carpet like a little caterpillar on speed. How's that for a simile? (Too many drug references in the blog of a missionary? nah) I say "scooted" rather than "crawl" because he mainly uses his arms to pull himself places. We fear he may have learned this technique from Swish and his famous "army crawl." I think Heidi could tell I was disappointed that I'm missing out on so much in his life as he develops so she and Dan did something very sweet. Any guesses? Well to help me feel like I was there, Dan held the computer camera up as Heidi changed the nastiest poopy diaper I have ever seen. I was literally gagging and thought I could smell it through the computer. (no, it wasn't me, just my mind playing tricks)

Rachel Priddy has been taking Vander's pictures ever since Heidi was pregnant and she did another photo shoot the other day. Incredibly thoughtful, she asked Heidi if Van had any zebra print clothes and took these adorable pictures. As if my heart wasn't hurting enough already! Look at those sad eyes! On the side of my blog is a link to Vander's photo shoot at 4 months. Here is a link to the most recent slide show of my amazing nephew. I won't quiz you but as a proud auntie, I highly recommend that you watch this.

OK so I've written a whole entry without really talking about Mozambique. Life has continued here, funny/awkward/amazing things have been happening and I will fill you in later but I can't help but share about the exciting things happening with my family. Please don't think I'm moping around here in Africa missing home so badly that I look like Eeyore. I may have been called Kevin Bacon and even a donkey, but never Eeyore. I have an amazing family which makes being here a bit more difficult but I still love it here. (I did however buy a plane ticket to come home for Christmas break) God continues to comfort me and I am forced to cling tightly to Him. One change I've noticed in my relationship with God is that we have inside jokes. I never used to have these with Him but I find myself giggling throughout the day about things He is showing me. I love that our Almighty Creator has a sense of humor. He knew I would be hurting and need Him to be close these past few days and has been making me laugh every day.


Emma and Travis said...

Thanks for putting all the nasty stuff about me Katie :) Now people are going to think Trav found some weirdo on the street! lol, just kidding...I don't mind. And I am VERY proud of my burping skills and if need be, we will have a face-off at the reception and let the guests be the judges! I miss you Katie but you know, you are stuck with me forever now sis in law :)

The Butlers said...

Yes, thank you for outing your family's nasty little secrets to everyone. How about telling people how your brother meets new people? By farting on them. Wow, that blog was a gauntlet of metaphores, personifications, and similies...I had to read it twice to get the full effect. Your high school health class covered baby development in detail? My health class spent the whole time on sex-ed and left no time for those little details. Hey, did you know that Swish's "Army Crawl" is actually him/her trying to release his/her annal sacs? Kind of takes the fun away from it, huh? Good news though, that is not what Vander is doing. I hope the poopy diaper stunt did the trick. His poo is probably changing too...but for the worse!

Lesley Miller said...

Oh, your blog makes me miss your family too!!! I love the Hardemans but you are my favorite. :)