Saturday, May 31, 2008

Trav and Emma's pictures

I realize this has nothing to do with my "tales from Mozambique" but I need to take a moment and brag about my family. I just looked at Trav and Emma's engagement pictures and they are INCREDIBLE! I knew that Rachel, the photographer, was amazing but I was super impressed by the pictures and couldn't help but think, "Wow. My brother and future sister-in-law are remarkably attractive." The bunch of these amazing pictures are posted on Rachel's blog which you can access by clicking here and then clicking on the "blog" button and scrolling down to find Trav and Emma.

I looked at the pictures while at school and I confess I grew a bit self-conscious. Glancing down I noticed a big stain on my khaki ankle-length "missionary skirt" which makes me trip all the time. I had on my very comfortable but very uncool according to my sister, hiking sandals and was sporting the classic french braid. As I looked the model joining our family I couldn't help but think, "Crap. I am not ready for the OC again." One thing I have loved about living in Africa is the freedom from the competition and pressure to look nice that I feel in California. Some of you may be thinking- "Katie sure doesn't dress like she's trying to compete with the fashion gu-rus of the OC." And you're right- I don't try to compete but there is definitely a noticeable difference in my attitude about my appearance. It's been so freeing to be here and not care at all how I look- I haven't blow-dried my hair in over a year and I wear the same plain out-fits over and over again-it's been great. I hope this attitude sticks with me when I return to California.

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