Thursday, April 10, 2008

Kitty Kat to Crusader

I have been the following, in chronological order: a kitty kat, krazy kat, polecat, skunk, ladycat, lady warrior, just plain warrior, raider, royal, and now....a crusader! How does one go from being a kitty kat to a crusader? Quick explanation:

* I was a kitty kat for about 5 or 6 years because my dad was my soccer coach and being very democratic, he asked me what I wanted our team to be named. I was a bit obsessed with cats at the time and thus, we became the ferocious kitty kats, and battled against those vicious varmints for first place in the league for years. At that time my brothers were the "dynos" and my sister was a "popple," so I personally believe my team had the best team name.

* After years of dominating the soccer fields as the kitty kats, my friends on the team convinced me that "kitty kats" was no longer cool when we turned 12. Thus, we transformed to the much hipper, "Krazy Kats." Apparently alternative spelling also meant you were cool.

* Every ball-playing girl in Brea with any skills at all was once a polecat, the mascot of the junior high basketball team representing Brea. What is a polecat you ask? We didn't know for years but I recently learned that it is a type of skunk which resembles a weasel...which makes the other mascot quite ironic.

* While representing the city of Brea as a polecat, my dad was training a group of my athletic friends and we became the all-star NJB team. Several of these girls were once kitty kats or krazy kats and when the league called my dad for the team name, my friend Megan happened to be over and blurted out, "let's be the skunks!" Just like that we became the skunks and for the next two years we stunk up the court. Well actually, let's be honest...we dominated. We weren't exactly the coolest of kids in junior high but at least we could ball.

* Continuing with the cat tradition, I went to Brea High School and was a Ladycat before transferring to Troy, ending the cat craze and became a Lady Warrior. Playing as a "lady warrior" prepared me to become a real warrior at Westmont College. After graduating, I taught at Rowland where I was a Raider and coached with my dad at Hope and was a Royal.

* Next year I will follow in the footsteps of my grandma, mom, aunts, uncles, and cousins and become a Vally Christian Crusader! My current students got a kick out of this when I told them about my new mascot since when teaching about the crusades earlier in the year, I explained to them why the term "crusader" is now politically incorrect and many Christian schools are changing their mascot. How did I suddenly become a Crusader? I'm glad you asked...

It all started with a note from my aunt Letty. My Uncle Mike is a principal at Valley so my aunt knew the school was looking for a new girls' b-ball coach and she e-mailed me to see I knew of any friends who would be interested. She didn't ask me because I had taken a leave of absence from my job at Rowland and planned on helping my dad at APU. I had my plans all set. I would continue living at home, teach, coach and get my Masters. Looking back I laugh at how the Lord was speaking to me about something and I didn't even realize it. I kept coming back to Proverbs 16 and it became a chapter very familiar to me- specifically verses 1, 3, and 9 which are the only ones underlined in my Bible.

verse 1: " To man belong the plans of the heart, but from the LORD comes the reply of the tongue."

verse 3: "Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."

verse 9: "In his head a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps."

I had my plans all figured out but I was still seeking the Lord's grand plan for my life and sure enough, He would determine my steps which would not lead back to Rowland. While I was home over Christmas, I got a sinking feeling in my gut about following through with "my plans." It's odd because my plan made so much sense but when I got back to Africa, I tossed and turned at night, restless about the next year. I even contemplated staying in Africa longer because something just didn't feel right about my plans. And then I got Aunt Letty's e-mail. Half-joking, I wrote back, "I confess that when you mentioned the Valley position, I thought, "hmmmm...I have loved teaching at a Christian school..." If you know my aunt Letty, it won't surprise you that I was contacted by the school the following day and the ball started rolling.

This happened right before Easter break and I spent much time in Cape Town contemplating if I should apply for the job. It was while hiking the "StairMaster from hell" also known as Table Mountain, that I concluded that I would apply for the job. I had lots of time to think and pray while huffing and puffing up the mountain and thought a lot about what we had been learning at Fellowship about making "wise decisions." Moral of the story: if you need to make a big decision, climb a mountain.The week after Easter break was a hectic one. This is when my tooth got infected, my eczema flared up, the mosquito waged war, I had to calculate quarter grades, was planning a surprise party for Lisa, was deep into my LOST addiction, was planning a swim meet for the whole school, AND filling out the application for Valley. 18 pages later...I finished the application to be a coach and started on the application to be an English teacher. My mom tried to coax me into being less anal about writing novels for my answers but I couldn't resist- I know I am better on paper than on the phone. She also guilted me into watching less LOST so I could finish the applications. I sort of listened but really just skipped out on hours of sleep instead.

Next step,...the phone interview. If you know me well, you know I am not a big fan of the phone and can be incredibly awkward on the phone. Lisa, having done phone interviews for Harvard, gave me some pointers. I got dressed up for the interview...well at least from the waist up. My
web cam didn't show my whole self so I was wearing my pajama pants and the only collared shirt I brought. (Yes, it's the same one I wore in the school pictures- I didn't bring many 'professional' clothes here) The tough part about a phone interview is the lack of eye contact and "assuring head nods." I rambled on and on and would pause every once in awhile and say, "Are you still there?" True to awkward form, I confessed that I used to make fun of Valley because my cousins went there and my siblings and I felt superior since we were 'tough' and went to public school. If that wasn't bad enough, I also confessed that I had changed my Skype picture to a normal one because I used to have a scary face picture but I wanted them to think I was professional. "Why Katie why? Why are you offering way more information than they want or need?" These were the thoughts running through my mind as I couldn't control my flapping lips.

Although I'm pretty sure they saw through my "professional" act, they still offered me the job a few days later so I will be the girls' b-ball coach and teaching 5 English classes. I sincerely believe that one of the reasons God brought me to Africa, was to get me to
Cerritos. What's crazy is that before my experience here, I never would have wanted to teach English or teach at a Christian school. I can see now how God has been preparing me this year for the next adventure at Valley. Little did I know that when I mentioned to CAM that I would feel comfortable teaching English, that this would be just the experience I would need to teach English at Valley. Now I feel confident that I can teach English although my degree is in history and I also have learned that I enjoy teaching English.

If I had been teaching at Rowland this year, I'm not sure I would have pursued the Valley job. A major
deterrent would have been the fact that Valley is a Christian School and I NEVER imagined myself teaching at a Christian school in America. Having gone through the public school system, my heart has always been with these kids. It is such a mission field, full of hurting kids in need of love, attention and direction. I don't think I would have been able to leave this mission field for a Christian school instead, if I hadn't come to Africa first. God brought me to CAM and opened my eyes to the huge need for qualified teachers in Christian schools. These kids also need love, attention and direction. Plus, I can speak openly about living as a Christian so it is much easier to be a positive, Christian influence. My mom once said that I would love teaching anywhere in the world and I think she's right.

Not only did my Aunt Letty find me a job, she also found friends for me. Sad but true. My group of single friends has dwindled to practically non-
existent in recent years so I was super excited when Aunt Letty mentioned that some fun, young teachers at Valley were looking for another roommate. Perhaps it is a bit presumptuous of me to call my future roommate friends since I haven't even met them yet, but I can tell by their e-mails that we will get along great. Therefore, in August I will be moving to Cerritos into a house less than 2 miles from the school.

His plans are so much better than my own. I feel so silly for ever worrying about my future. If I continue to seek His will and am obedient to stay in the center of it, what can man do to me? Nothing. What should I worry about? Nothing. His thoughts are higher. His ways are greater. His plan is better.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats on your a former English teacher in private Christian schools, I applaud you.